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Planned Giving ...

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The Gift That Keeps On Giving

by Robert Graham
Chairman, InnVision Planned Giving Advisory Council

"Be the change you want to see in the world" -- Ghandi

Poverty and homelessness - yes, even here in the heart of Silicon Valley during some of the most prosperous times we have ever experienced. If it is true, as I believe it is, that a community is judged by how they treat the least of its members, then every member of that community who is able has a duty to help those who are not in a position to help themselves. Individuals and families who are experiencing an extreme lack of basic necessities of life have not voluntarily chosen this condition. They want and need new skills, new contacts, new attitudes and self-sufficiency for independent living. Simply put, they don't want a hand out, just a hand.

InnVision is the leading provider of services to the homeless in Santa Clara County. We act as a resource and catalyst in bringing about lasting change in people's ability to control their own destinies. Not only is InnVision's comprehensive approach extremely successful, the staff and volunteers' caring and compassion are able to restore the confidence and dignity of those they serve.

"It takes a noble man to plant a seed for a tree that will someday give shade
to people he may never meet." -- David Trueblood

Vision, experience, commitment, and compassion are the key components of what makes InnVision staff and volunteers so successful at creating positive outcomes and changed lives. But human energy and talent alone are not enough. It also takes financial resources. We are very resourceful at obtaining government grants, cash donations, and contributions-in-kind from many generous donors. But, unfortunately, the needs to serve the poor and homeless are greater than even our fundraising has been able to provide.

Thus, the creation of InnVision's Planned Giving Advisory Council. Most people give to charity based upon their perceived ability to divert a portion of their income, either occasionally or systematically, to one or more charitable organizations. That is giving done in reference to income stream. Planned Giving, by contrast, focuses on asset lake or reservoir.

Planned gifts allow the donor to make a satisfying, and often substantial, charitable contribution to an organization, through a plan which also addresses the donor's personal objectives.

Characteristics of A Planned Gift

Capital, not income

Professional advisors

Maximum tax savings

Transfer of assets

Lifetime income for donor or family (optional)

Pass on philanthropic "heritage"

These gifts can be donated during donor's lifetime or, more often, deferred until after death. Planned gifts are very thoughtful, deliberate, and most importantly, considered in the context of the donor's and family's  current and future financial needs. It is only prudent to implement if a win-win is created between the donor and charity.

InnVision Development Staff and Planned Giving Advisory Council members are ready to discuss with you ways in which you may fulfill your needs and insure the long-term success in meeting the needs of the poor and homeless in Santa Clara County. Enhance the quality of your life by sharing a portion of your wealth with those who need help in regaining control of their lives and restoring their dignity. Consider a planned gift that keeps on giving, even beyond your time here on earth.

"I expect to pass through life but once. If , therefore, there can be any kindness I can show, or any good things I can do to any fellow human being, let me do it now, and not defer it or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." -- William Penn

For more information on Planned Giving,
please contact Development at (408) 292-4286, email: [email protected]

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