All usable items donated go directly to our clients free of charge. For example, it is not uncommon for a client to arrive at our facilities with just the clothing that they are wearing. It is the goal of InnVision to provide an environment that promotes self-worth. This includes being able to offer a fresh set of clothing along with new socks and underwear, as well as a towel and toiletries. InnVision counts on donations to provide support for the 20,000 clients that we serve annually. Hosting a donation drive to collect needed items is a great way to support the clients of InnVision. Your group can target to collect a variety of new or gently-used items:
List of suggested items to collect
Personal Items
- Shoes - every six to eight weeks a homeless client wears through a pair of shoes. Parents have a difficult time keeping up with providing shoes for their children's ever-growing feet. The most needed types of shoes are tennis shoes for all ages and genders, children's shoes, and adult size work boots.
- Clothing - all usable donations are available to our clients free of charge. We provide items for all ages/gender. Most needed clothing items are jackets, jeans/khakis, men's shirts.
- New Socks and Underwear - many of our clients arrive with just the clothing they are wearing. New socks and underwear of all sizes and gender are requested to fulfill the immediate need for our clients.
- Toiletries - personal size shampoos, conditioner, lotion, shave cream, mouthwash, razors, and soap are need for distribution to our clients.
Household Items
- Towels - showers are offered at most of our facilities and towels are checked out to clients for day use. Towels are also distributed to our clients through our donation warehouse.
- Small appliances/dishware - small appliances items such as toasters, irons, coffee makers, and hair dryers are needed for families and individuals. Plates, utensils, bowls and cups are also needed.
- Baby Care - diapers, blankets, strollers, car seats are all needed for our keeping our smallest clients fed, warm and safe.
- Bed linens - sheets, blankets, comforters, pillows, mattress pads are all needed for for use in our shelters or to be distributed to clients for personal use through our warehouse. All sizes are needed, with twin size in the highest demand.
Food Service
- Coffee - coffee, dry creamer, sugar and cups are all appreciated by our clients.
- Canned meat/foods - such as tuna, canned ham and peanut butter helps our kitchen staff provide protein packed meals. Canned vegetables, fruits and soups are also needed.
- Cold weather wear - jackets, hats, socks, sweatshirts, sweaters, and raincoats are all needed for cold weather months.
- Rain Gear - ponchos, umbrellas, rain boots and raincoats all are necessary to help protect our clients from the weather.
- Holiday Gifts - Each holiday season InnVision distributes over 15,000 gifts to our clients. Stocking stuffers, books, stuffed animals, and toys for kids and teens are needed to fulfill our goal. Items are also collected for our adult clients such as new jackets, socks, and blankets.
- Rain Gear - ponchos, umbrellas, rain boots and raincoats all are necessary to help protect our clients from the weather.
- Shoes - every six to eight weeks a homeless client wears through a pair of shoes. Parents have a difficult time keeping up with providing shoes for their children's ever-growing feet. The most needed types of shoes are tennis shoes for all ages and genders, children's shoes, and adult size work boots.
- Sunscreen - many of our clients are out in the sun without protection. Offering sunscreen helps us to protect our clients now and hopefully prevent future sun damage.
- Games/Crafts - each summer and school holidays InnVision offers a free day camp for children. New games and craft items are always needed to provide a learning environment for the children. Games such as chess, dominos, and backgammon are also wanted for our adult programs.
- Back to School uniforms - many schools have a requirement for kids to wear a uniform yet many of our parents don't have the financial means to provide them. The most common uniform pieces are khaki or navy blue pants, white or green button down or polo shirts.
- New Socks and Underwear - many of our clients arrive with just the clothing they are wearing. New socks and underwear of all sizes and gender are requested to fulfill the immediate need for our clients.